Friday, November 11, 2011

My Life With Lyme...written in Dec. 2008

As most of my closest friends know, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease in Sept.of 07. I was very sick with fevers and inability to even get out of bed for days at a time. The soles of my feet were so sore I couldnt walk on themfor an hour each morning. I ran high fevers, had severe pain in my ankles, legs, wrists and hands. I missed alot of work time. I knew something was wrong but didnt know what. GOD BLESS my family dr...Dr Krause, for he was instantly keen tomy symptoms, and had me tested. Keep in mind your normal vague testing usually doesnt turn up a positive, but the more intense Western Blot testing does. I came back very positive. Since I was already having joint symptoms, it seems possible I could have been bitten by a tick years ago, or even as a child. I will never know. I underwent 2 months of very heavy and intense antibiotics. I felt worse. It is what is known as herxing, when the bacteria is being killed and releasing the poisons into just wish you'd die. But I came thru it. My last test still showed some positive signs, because you never really rid yourself of Lyme disease. It hides in a cyst form deep in your tissues, and awaits a good time to strike again.
I have met and talked to ppl who have had their lives devastated by this. Some are too sick to work, or have other parts of their bodies affected forever, and sadly, ppl actually die from this. It is a political disease as well, the doctors who learn and believe and treat it,  vs. the general medical community. If you do alittle research you will be amazed. I dont have to research it anymore. I have lived it. And I face it like I would anything self-pity and complaining.I had the belief I would be ok, and so far I am. If a dr told me I had cancer, I would just think...well, I'll be fine, and BELIEVE it. Idk..its just my outlook on it all. But has been 15 months now. My soles dont get sore, but I get alot of other quirky symptoms still, and some days actual pain...and it reminds me that life is fragile. It scares me, but I dont dwell on it. I refuse to cry abt it.I will be just fine.
My point in this blog, is that this is so prevalent now, and many ppl have it...many more than realize...and their symptoms are blamed on somany other things. I hope anyone who reads this will look into it alittle more for the sake of their loved ones and themselves.
Here is a compilation of interesting facts...

Minnesota is one of 3 regions in the United States that make up 95% of all new Lyme disease cases yearly?
~The "University of Minnesota" is conducting Bioterrorism Research for the Infectous Disease Society of America, and it's being funded by the 'CDC'? We've confirmed that it is a Level 3 bio-lab and that Lyme Disease is also being studied. Click Here for support of this statement.
~ Lyme disease is the fastest growing epidemic in the world and can be fatal?
~You can contract many tick-borne diseases simultaneously from the same tick bite? Click here for a list.
~"ALL" species of ticks can carry and transmit disease?
~You can test negative and still have Lyme Disease and other Tick-Borne illness?
~If you have a Bullseye rash (EM-Erythema Migrans), you HAVE Lyme Disease; you do "NOT" need lab testing and appropriate antibiotic treatment needs to start immediately?
~"MOST" doctors do "NOT" know how to diagnose or treat Lyme Disease appropriately, and patients are often misdiagnosed with other diseases; conditions or syndromes, and are forced to "SUFFER NEEDLESSLY"?
~Animals are more likely to be diagnosed promptly and treated for Lyme disease and other tick-borne disorders appropriately by Veterinarians,than humans are by M.D.'s?
~Less than 50% of people infected with Lyme Disease display the bullseye rash?
~Lyme Disease can cross the placenta into the fetus, and its DNA can be found in Mother's Milk?
~Lyme Disease and Tick-borne Illness can be transmitted through blood transfusion and organ transplants?
~Lyme Disease symptoms can develop days; weeks; months or even years after the initial tick bite?
~ There are 200,000 + new Lyme disease infections per year in the United States alone, more than AIDS and West Nile Virus combined?(THIS LINK IS ONE OF MANY SUPPORTING OUR STATISTIC DATA)
~ Lyme disease and (TBI) Tick-Borne illness are the most frequently misdiagnosed disease's and they mimic (or could be the cause) of: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, MS, ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, IBS, Lupus, Arthritis, Bells Palsy, ADHD, ALL Psychiatric Disorders, Autism, Heart problems, Multi-symptom / Multi-system illnesses, Gulf War Syndrome/illness, and more? Click Here for a Comprehensive List.
~ More difficult than diagnosing Lyme disease and the co-infections that may accompany it,  is treating them successfully, as standard antibiotic protocols often fail, making Lyme disease and co-infections, some of the most treatment resistant infections on Earth?
My best to all my friends...who love me and support me and are there for me, even when I am losing it, or crying, or happy, or stuggling, or whatever....I love you!!!    
Go to for all the info, questions, answers, and all that you need!!!!!!!!!

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