Earth Hour...what we learned...
Tonight was when Earth Hour 2008 took place, from 8 to 9 pm. I heard about it several weeks ago and knew it was something I wanted to be involved with in some way. You see, I am very concerned about the earth I live on, ...worried actually, and feel as tho it is being horribly used and abused, spent, depleted...trashed. I continue to be amazed by the amount of people who dont care, or they may care, but dont give any thought to it...not enough thought to try to change anything. Even those who do care enough to maybe try to change something, are sadly thinking that they are just one person in a big wide world, and so what they do will ultimately mean nothing why really try.
It was this thought process that brought about the concept of Earth Hour. It is a means of bringing together people...hundreds of thousands of them...all over the world, and having them all do one single act of conservation that will make them, as well as those observing, realize that a single candle is part of a far reaching bright that CAN make a difference. Earth Hour is supposed to raise awareness of global warming...but it has a greater impact I think on our ideas about energy and its use...and misuse.
Perhaps next year I will get involved on a much higher level...I think its something I would love to do. My family has probably noticed I talk more and more all the time about "going green" and becoming someone who does not want to take from the earth without giving back...someone who does not WANT to take anything from the earth that I can not replace, and someone who just wants to become more "as one and at peace with" the earth. Many people think this is "looney"...oh well...please dont ask me if I care what they think... But anyway, for THIS year, I decided to keep it at home, in my own family. I wanted to do it for my own satisfaction, and also to make an impression on my youngest son, who is 6 yrs old and at his most impressionable right now.
A few days ago I started talking about Saturday night and what we were going to do...and why. The first thing I noticed was that in telling my kids to turn out lights when not in use, or TVs and stereos, I realized I leave things on MYSELF alot more than I thought. My awareness was already beginning! The next thing I noticed was how receptive my child was to the ideas I was presenting. I know ALL kids would be. We sometimes mistakenly think that because they are presented with ideas and things at school, that they are learning them. We seldom realize that we as parents are their greatest teachers and influences...and kids are our greatest imitators.
Tonight we turned off our lights, TVs, computer, and music...for a solid hour. I had run to the store for a few fresh candles in pleasant scents to burn, and stopped to put gas in the car. I ran into someone I miss and havnt seen in some time, and oh how I wanted to stay and talk...but what was happening tonight was really important, and I had to be home by 8pm. And so I rushed home and got inside at almost 8, having just enough time to set up my candles. There on the sofa sat my little Nicholas, and on TV was something he has been waiting impatiently for all week...The Nick Kids Choice Awards. In an instant I felt alittle crushed . He had a big smile on his face as he watched. I said "Its time", lit the candles and went room to room turning everything off....everything but the livingroom TV Nick was watching so adoringly. I couldnt do it. I began to feel alittle weak, ashamed kindof, and began to wonder if my message would still be effective if we allowed the TV to remain on for him.
At that moment something incredible happened as I sat down saying nothing. The room went black except for the flicker of the three candles on the diningroom table. Nick had turned off the TV.
You need to understand what this meant to me...because it is REALLY big! It meant to me, that what I had explained to my child, was understood and appreciated. It meant that he at his tender age could understand on some level the meaning of sacrifice. It meant that he was able to, and DID, make a choice, without being told to or asked to. It meant that this whole global thing that someone came up with, impacted at least two lives that I was sure of...mine and my son’s. It was beautiful actually...touching...and so very important and meaningful. My heart continues to swell as I think about it.
So, we sat in the darkness gazing over the candles. We talked about alot of things in that hour...and learned alot. We talked about energy and waste, polar bears losing the ice they must live on, water rising to where it shouldnt be, the world growing too hot. We talked about our ancesters and how they didnt have the luxuries that we do, and how they didnt waste things when food and money were scarce. Then we spent alot of time making shadow animals on the walls in the flamelight, and we laughed alot. We watched our cats and dog stalk eachother in the dark. We watched how melted wax collected on the plate around the candles. Nick learned how there were three shadows cast of everything because there were three candles and light sources, and also how the shadows moved to the opposite sides of the ceiling when the candles were moved in the other direction. At five minutes to nine we were melting a crayon into the flame and observing what it did, and when it was time to put out the candles, Nick learned that a soda bottle upside down over the flame took away its oxygen and it smothered. We learned sooo much and it was almost a shame to end our then I WONT end. Nick said he will be careful now about turning off lights and TVs. He talked about all of this right up until he fell asleep tonight.
I so hope that the wave of chosen darkness that swept the world tonight, makes the difference to other families that it has to mine. You know, we must care for our earth...especially those of us with children. It is irresponsible to use use use and not put back. It seems far off, but it isnt...the damage is occurring as we speak. And everyone of us is a candle lighting up a small part of our world. Everything we do makes a difference...and what happened tonight in my home PROVES it. A little boy gave up something he really wanted to do, because he believed that something he was going to do instead, would make a difference. Now it is my responsibility, and every one of our responsibility, to make sure that little dream stays alive in him, and in Cameron Diaz says..."We are the future and the future is bright!!!"
Earth Day is coming in late April...and I put forth a little challenge for try to make a small difference...teach a child to make a difference.
Dare to be one candle.
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