Saturday, February 22, 2014

How it Is

I can accept everything about you...
your quirks, idiosyncrasies, 
your zany mood shifts from one thing to another... 
the way you run your hands thru your uncombed hair at times and look like the mad scientist you are...
the way you talk like a muppet if ur nervous..
.the hours spent working on a painting, or a song..
.the way most people can't even begin to get a grasp on who you are..
.I love it long as you can accept me...
I get sad sometimes and I don't know why,
 so don't ask, 
there is no definable reason, 
just hold my hand and wait... 
Sometimes I get really pissed and I yell, but not often, 
and always after a slow burn that intelligent ppl should recognize way before that happens;
 it takes a lot to put me over the edge...
I have a tendancy to develope odd attachments to animal-life..
.insects, reptiles, and of course all warm-blooded beings, 
I will seek them, 
bring them home, 
study them, 
and learn what they mean to my individual life....
.and lastly, My kids come first, 
even if they are not particularly in the right,
 i'll listen to reason, but...
 (scared yet?)
Know that i've waited my whole life for someone who feels perfect on all levels to me. 
Something that feels right
feels like this..

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